Development of the Conflict Management Website
ITM has been bringing its members together since 2007 to look at conflict (link to ITM history). This resource is based on discussions in workshops, AGMs and local and national experience. Link
This resource was developed and written by Damien Walshe in his role as Membership Development Worker. It is based on an identified need by Traveller organisations in strategic planning discussions on the need to develop online support for groups based on ITM’s analysis of conflict.
John Mulligan from Breakthrough Consultancy provided training for ITM members in a number of spaces, including in the ITM funded programme in 2012. John has been instrumental in shaping the analysis of many ITM members & board and staff over a number of years.
Damien would like to thank John for numerous discussions on conflict and for advice in support over the years. Special thanks to ITM members for reviewing content on the site and for making valuable suggestions.
St Stephen’s Green Trust kindly provided funding for the development of this website.
This website was designed by Lynchmob Design Consultants
The content is © 2016 Irish Traveller Movement